Tomorrow Blair goes back to school for a little over half a day! He really wants to be able to go for the whole day but the doctor told him to take things slowly so he doesn’t get overwhelmed. He’s been really bored at home but also lacks motivation when he’s just siting at home. Hopefully being in school will help him focus on schoolwork because he has a lot to do! He still has work from the second marking period to complete to get passing grades so he can get enough credits. The school doesn’t think he will be able to get all the credits done in time to walk in June but they said it was possible to have him finish with summer school and he’d get his diploma in the mail. He was disappointed with this thought - but he’s taking it one day at a time.
Please pray for his adjustment to school, that he’d be able to physically manage the demand of being up all day and that his brain would be able to focus. Please also pray that the social demands are not too much for him. Blair is very social and friendly - he won’t want to let any of his friends down but he needs to focus on his recovery and education. Please pray specifically that he’d be surrounded with friends that will encourage him to do the right thing and follow the doctors instructions. Pray that the motivation he had in the rehab would return - as he was so motivated to do whatever he needed to but he’s really just gotten sidetracked without the constant encouragement from nurses, staff, etc. We can’t possibly re-create the rehab center here but I’m hopeful that God will put the right teachers and friends in his path at the right times to encourage him to stay on the right track which isn’t the easy path.
Thanks so much for all your prayers and encouragement for our family. We would really love it if Blair could graduate in June but we will have to wait and see!!
Wake up Blair!
As many already know, Blair Nieves was in an accident on Friday evening August 25, 2017 as is in the ICU at Hershey Medical Center. I am creating this blog to update all those who love and are praying for Blair. Your love and prayers are so appreciated!
Sunday, January 21, 2018
Friday, January 12, 2018
School - January 12, 2018
Wow that was quick! Thanks for your prayers!! I got an email from the school this morning asking if we could attend a meeting next Wednesday morning! They will re-write an IEP for him and then he can start attending school!! Thank God!!
He also will have neuro-psych testing on the 29th to determine what additional supports will help him educationally. They told us it would be a 3 month wait - but they got him in within 3 weeks!
all I can do is thank God.
He also will have neuro-psych testing on the 29th to determine what additional supports will help him educationally. They told us it would be a 3 month wait - but they got him in within 3 weeks!
all I can do is thank God.
Thursday, January 11, 2018
A new year - January 11, 2018
it’s been a long time. Life seems to move so quickly and so much is going on all around us. Blair no longer has to wear his brace as of December 1st. Then in January he completed physical Therapy. He still has occupational therapy three times a week.
His “companion” who was driving him to everything had a skiing accident and had her leg immobilized for a while. Finding back up transportation was difficult - but we have wonderful friends who volunteered. Thankfully she is back on her feet and her injury didn't require further (more invasive) treatment. And we all know that accidents happen - you can't help it! I am thankful that she is feeling better and able to help again! We missed her!
Blair has been getting more insistent that he return to school. The doctor cleared him to return half a day initially. The school district doesn’t seem to be moving very quickly to get him in. He is frustrated with the home schooling and I’d like to see him have more structure and socialization. I email the school every day and talk to the Brain Steps program at the IU. Next step is to call the department of education - which I’d rather not do because it would likely cause some hard feelings on behalf of the school district. But graduation is 87 days away - and blair would really like to graduate.
He has a long way to go - he still has double vision and his gait isn’t perfect - but he gets around without the wheel chair so we are grateful for every little bit of progress!!
Prayers continue to keep us going on the right direction. Thank you Jesus for all you do for us!
I wanted to post pictures of the journey but will have to get tonthat tomorrow as it’s beyond late for a woman who must be out the door at 8:00 am. So g’night!!
His “companion” who was driving him to everything had a skiing accident and had her leg immobilized for a while. Finding back up transportation was difficult - but we have wonderful friends who volunteered. Thankfully she is back on her feet and her injury didn't require further (more invasive) treatment. And we all know that accidents happen - you can't help it! I am thankful that she is feeling better and able to help again! We missed her!
Blair has been getting more insistent that he return to school. The doctor cleared him to return half a day initially. The school district doesn’t seem to be moving very quickly to get him in. He is frustrated with the home schooling and I’d like to see him have more structure and socialization. I email the school every day and talk to the Brain Steps program at the IU. Next step is to call the department of education - which I’d rather not do because it would likely cause some hard feelings on behalf of the school district. But graduation is 87 days away - and blair would really like to graduate.
He has a long way to go - he still has double vision and his gait isn’t perfect - but he gets around without the wheel chair so we are grateful for every little bit of progress!!
Prayers continue to keep us going on the right direction. Thank you Jesus for all you do for us!
I wanted to post pictures of the journey but will have to get tonthat tomorrow as it’s beyond late for a woman who must be out the door at 8:00 am. So g’night!!
Saturday, November 11, 2017
November 11, 2017
Hi all!
I wanted to post things from Blair's baptism.
First - the link to Blair's testimony is here:
He had an amazing day - as did the rest of his family! We are very proud of him and pleased that he is doing so well. We continue to pray for complete healing - for Blair's vision, memory, brain, emotions, and everything else! God knows best what Blair needs! For now, please pray specifically for his emotions. He has a lot of anxiety and some depression. We consulted a physician but the medication appears to be increasing his depression. This is typical in TBI's (Traumatic Brain Injuries) but nothing else he is able to do is typical - so we are praying for his emotional healing too! God has so much in store for him...
Here are some pictures.
Sorry for the layout - I couldn't figure out how to arrange the pictures any better...
Blair has been improving daily. He is much more stable than he was originally when walking and going up and down stairs. He is also getting more temperamental - he prefers not to wear his brace... he would prefer to not go to physical therapy but McKenna takes him anyway (as do I). He would prefer not to do school work but it's only 5 hours a week... so he can be convinced.
McKenna is a great 'companion' (Blair calls her a babysitter) but she does need time off. Sometimes she has other commitments and can't be here - or can't take Blair to appointments. So, if anyone has free time during the day - ever - please let me know. I will put you on my list to call for when McKenna can't take him.
Also from November 28th - December 7th Blair will be staying in Boiling Springs at his Aunt Lisa's. He may need some rides to physical therapy from there. All the other appointments we are going to schedule around that week.
Thanks so much for your prayers! Blair is so appreciative of his friends and family ... he just loves everyone!
I wanted to post things from Blair's baptism.
First - the link to Blair's testimony is here:
He had an amazing day - as did the rest of his family! We are very proud of him and pleased that he is doing so well. We continue to pray for complete healing - for Blair's vision, memory, brain, emotions, and everything else! God knows best what Blair needs! For now, please pray specifically for his emotions. He has a lot of anxiety and some depression. We consulted a physician but the medication appears to be increasing his depression. This is typical in TBI's (Traumatic Brain Injuries) but nothing else he is able to do is typical - so we are praying for his emotional healing too! God has so much in store for him...
Here are some pictures.
Sorry for the layout - I couldn't figure out how to arrange the pictures any better...
Blair has been improving daily. He is much more stable than he was originally when walking and going up and down stairs. He is also getting more temperamental - he prefers not to wear his brace... he would prefer to not go to physical therapy but McKenna takes him anyway (as do I). He would prefer not to do school work but it's only 5 hours a week... so he can be convinced.
McKenna is a great 'companion' (Blair calls her a babysitter) but she does need time off. Sometimes she has other commitments and can't be here - or can't take Blair to appointments. So, if anyone has free time during the day - ever - please let me know. I will put you on my list to call for when McKenna can't take him.
Also from November 28th - December 7th Blair will be staying in Boiling Springs at his Aunt Lisa's. He may need some rides to physical therapy from there. All the other appointments we are going to schedule around that week.
Thanks so much for your prayers! Blair is so appreciative of his friends and family ... he just loves everyone!
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Thursday November 2, 2017
Hi everyone. Sorry it’s been a week!!
Monday Blair had his first follow-up appointment with the neuro-specialist that saw him in the ICU at Hershey. She was pleased with his progress.
She showed us his MRI and how it had changed from two months prior. The swelling in his brain decreased significantly. You could still see evidence of petecial hemorrhaging from the loss of oxygen to the brain during his accident and evidence of the blood that had been in the brain due to the fall itself. She explained that the body will absorb it and take care of it over time but the evidence that he had a head trauma will be there for a few years at a minimum.
She showed us the vertebrae c-3 and how it had a burst fracture which you could see the break all the way around the vertebrae. If that had been bumped or moved at all it could have pinched the nerves causing loss of feeling or movement in parts of his body. That’s one reason the braces he is wearing are so important. She explained that the one side of the c-3 was broken all the way through which is causing the pain on his left side (of his neck). She also showed us where his skull fracture was and how the break went all the way to the first vertebrae and also extended out to each side of the skull.
So if you see him NOT in his FULL brace... remind him that it's important! :)
Thank you!
Monday Blair had his first follow-up appointment with the neuro-specialist that saw him in the ICU at Hershey. She was pleased with his progress.
She showed us his MRI and how it had changed from two months prior. The swelling in his brain decreased significantly. You could still see evidence of petecial hemorrhaging from the loss of oxygen to the brain during his accident and evidence of the blood that had been in the brain due to the fall itself. She explained that the body will absorb it and take care of it over time but the evidence that he had a head trauma will be there for a few years at a minimum.
She showed us the vertebrae c-3 and how it had a burst fracture which you could see the break all the way around the vertebrae. If that had been bumped or moved at all it could have pinched the nerves causing loss of feeling or movement in parts of his body. That’s one reason the braces he is wearing are so important. She explained that the one side of the c-3 was broken all the way through which is causing the pain on his left side (of his neck). She also showed us where his skull fracture was and how the break went all the way to the first vertebrae and also extended out to each side of the skull.
So if you see him NOT in his FULL brace... remind him that it's important! :)
Thank you!
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Hope and love... Thursday October 26, 2017
The older I get, the more I believe offering hope and love to anyone in distress is the best solution we can offer... granted my hope and love are Jesus alone... but when other's don't recognize Jesus - they will recognize that you care, and that means something far deeper than words can express.
Today I took Blair to a doctor appointment. I love the people at the office... they are fun and always put me in a good mood. We signed in and I was filling out paperwork when a young lady came in and went to the window. She was wearing a black jean jacket with roses embroidered on it. When she was done talking to the receptionist Blair told her that she had a really cool jacket on (as he told me a few seconds before that he'd like a jacket like that). She said thank you and told him where she bought it. He said he hoped they had another one left... cause he wanted one. She sat down a seat away from me and started sobbing. Of course, I didn't know what was wrong, so I had to ask... she said she had anxiety and was panicking because she missed her appointment. So, I spent a few minutes trying to get her to slow her breathing and focus on one minute at a time... got her some tissues... and tried to distract her by asking her about various things. Blair talked to her too and told her everything would work out. We left her there when we had to go back for his appointment... but who knew? We were early just for her... (and if you know me - I am NEVER early) ha ha ha
We finished his appointment - and she was no longer in the waiting room. I did ask where she had gone and no one knew... so Blair and I proceeded to go to my car. As we were opening the doors to get in we heard someone yell 'wait' from behind us. It was this young lady. She gave Blair a hug and told him he made her day. She thanked us for helping her and was clearly better than she was when she initially met us.. She hugged us again and was off. I am so glad that we could put a smile on someone's face - albeit a fragile smile - her day was a little brighter for having met Blair and I at one of Blair's many appointments.
Love and hope... she needed someone to care enough to listen for a few minutes, and offer a light at the end of the tunnel... God only knows how long the tunnel is.... but there is always a light at the other end. His name is Jesus.
Blair is getting baptized on November 5. 2017 at the 11:00 am service at McBIC. Please come and join us as we celebrate what God has done for Blair - in healing his body and every aspect of who he is - it's a journey of a lifetime... and we are so proud of Blair.
Jesus be our guide - always. 💗 may our hearts continue to grow in your hope and love 💗
Today I took Blair to a doctor appointment. I love the people at the office... they are fun and always put me in a good mood. We signed in and I was filling out paperwork when a young lady came in and went to the window. She was wearing a black jean jacket with roses embroidered on it. When she was done talking to the receptionist Blair told her that she had a really cool jacket on (as he told me a few seconds before that he'd like a jacket like that). She said thank you and told him where she bought it. He said he hoped they had another one left... cause he wanted one. She sat down a seat away from me and started sobbing. Of course, I didn't know what was wrong, so I had to ask... she said she had anxiety and was panicking because she missed her appointment. So, I spent a few minutes trying to get her to slow her breathing and focus on one minute at a time... got her some tissues... and tried to distract her by asking her about various things. Blair talked to her too and told her everything would work out. We left her there when we had to go back for his appointment... but who knew? We were early just for her... (and if you know me - I am NEVER early) ha ha ha
We finished his appointment - and she was no longer in the waiting room. I did ask where she had gone and no one knew... so Blair and I proceeded to go to my car. As we were opening the doors to get in we heard someone yell 'wait' from behind us. It was this young lady. She gave Blair a hug and told him he made her day. She thanked us for helping her and was clearly better than she was when she initially met us.. She hugged us again and was off. I am so glad that we could put a smile on someone's face - albeit a fragile smile - her day was a little brighter for having met Blair and I at one of Blair's many appointments.
Love and hope... she needed someone to care enough to listen for a few minutes, and offer a light at the end of the tunnel... God only knows how long the tunnel is.... but there is always a light at the other end. His name is Jesus.
Blair is getting baptized on November 5. 2017 at the 11:00 am service at McBIC. Please come and join us as we celebrate what God has done for Blair - in healing his body and every aspect of who he is - it's a journey of a lifetime... and we are so proud of Blair.
Jesus be our guide - always. 💗 may our hearts continue to grow in your hope and love 💗
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Hard times - October 21, 2017
Hard times ... Blair is a trooper ... I’m exhausted and emotionally wiped out. I’m very thankful he is so up-beat and tries to make the best of everything.
So Thursday we were told the school decided that Blair couldn’t attend the homecoming dance. They had 2 weeks to tell us that (as I clearly asked over 2 weeks ago) and waited until the last minute when I reminded them that he was coming. So we had a discussion that went through numerous emails with more and more administration being added to the email chain. The administration then asked for a letter from his doctor clearing him to attend.
I was considering calling the news stations to see who'd air a story about how the district was going to deny a disabled student access to their dance... but only if they didn't change their minds.
After the schools request Samantha got on the phone and had the doctor paged repeatedly - he’s the one who told us to e him if we needed ANYTHING. So we did. Ha ha. So he wrote a letter clearing Blair to attend the dance with the understanding that I go along. I didn’t go to any of my own homecoming dances ... but now I’m going to Blair’s. (making up for lost time? ha ha)
The school also FINALLY told me that Blair’s doctor must fill out their form for home-bound instruction to start. Then we must have a big meeting to be sure that’s what Blair needs. Hmm. The teacher at the rehab was in contact with the head of special education the entire time Blair was in the rehab (so this could have been completed anytime in the last three weeks). But the school has their protocol which is more important than education. Frustrating. So at the end of the work day Friday I was chasing down Dr. Hong, again, for another form to be filled out.
Saturday morning... I took yet another form to the school so they would sell me a ticket to homecoming. Thank God. So Blair will be there! YEAH!!
Friday evening Blair went to the football game with me in tow. He was happy to see everyone!!
I only took a few pictures... so don't be offended if you are not in them! I'll take many more tonight! :) And note - he only posed with females... we'll work on that tonight! :)

So Thursday we were told the school decided that Blair couldn’t attend the homecoming dance. They had 2 weeks to tell us that (as I clearly asked over 2 weeks ago) and waited until the last minute when I reminded them that he was coming. So we had a discussion that went through numerous emails with more and more administration being added to the email chain. The administration then asked for a letter from his doctor clearing him to attend.
I was considering calling the news stations to see who'd air a story about how the district was going to deny a disabled student access to their dance... but only if they didn't change their minds.
After the schools request Samantha got on the phone and had the doctor paged repeatedly - he’s the one who told us to e him if we needed ANYTHING. So we did. Ha ha. So he wrote a letter clearing Blair to attend the dance with the understanding that I go along. I didn’t go to any of my own homecoming dances ... but now I’m going to Blair’s. (making up for lost time? ha ha)
The school also FINALLY told me that Blair’s doctor must fill out their form for home-bound instruction to start. Then we must have a big meeting to be sure that’s what Blair needs. Hmm. The teacher at the rehab was in contact with the head of special education the entire time Blair was in the rehab (so this could have been completed anytime in the last three weeks). But the school has their protocol which is more important than education. Frustrating. So at the end of the work day Friday I was chasing down Dr. Hong, again, for another form to be filled out.
Saturday morning... I took yet another form to the school so they would sell me a ticket to homecoming. Thank God. So Blair will be there! YEAH!!
Friday evening Blair went to the football game with me in tow. He was happy to see everyone!!

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Sunday January 21, 2018
Tomorrow Blair goes back to school for a little over half a day! He really wants to be able to go for the whole day but the doctor told him ...
Hard times ... Blair is a trooper ... I’m exhausted and emotionally wiped out. I’m very thankful he is so up-beat and tries to make the best...
On Friday August 25, 2017 Blair was in an accident where he fell 75 feet down a cliff while hiking or rock climbing in White Rock. It was...
Tomorrow Blair goes back to school for a little over half a day! He really wants to be able to go for the whole day but the doctor told him ...