The older I get, the more I believe offering hope and love to anyone in distress is the best solution we can offer... granted my hope and love are Jesus alone... but when other's don't recognize Jesus - they will recognize that you care, and that means something far deeper than words can express.
Today I took Blair to a doctor appointment. I love the people at the office... they are fun and always put me in a good mood. We signed in and I was filling out paperwork when a young lady came in and went to the window. She was wearing a black jean jacket with roses embroidered on it. When she was done talking to the receptionist Blair told her that she had a really cool jacket on (as he told me a few seconds before that he'd like a jacket like that). She said thank you and told him where she bought it. He said he hoped they had another one left... cause he wanted one. She sat down a seat away from me and started sobbing. Of course, I didn't know what was wrong, so I had to ask... she said she had anxiety and was panicking because she missed her appointment. So, I spent a few minutes trying to get her to slow her breathing and focus on one minute at a time... got her some tissues... and tried to distract her by asking her about various things. Blair talked to her too and told her everything would work out. We left her there when we had to go back for his appointment... but who knew? We were early just for her... (and if you know me - I am NEVER early) ha ha ha
We finished his appointment - and she was no longer in the waiting room. I did ask where she had gone and no one knew... so Blair and I proceeded to go to my car. As we were opening the doors to get in we heard someone yell 'wait' from behind us. It was this young lady. She gave Blair a hug and told him he made her day. She thanked us for helping her and was clearly better than she was when she initially met us.. She hugged us again and was off. I am so glad that we could put a smile on someone's face - albeit a fragile smile - her day was a little brighter for having met Blair and I at one of Blair's many appointments.
Love and hope... she needed someone to care enough to listen for a few minutes, and offer a light at the end of the tunnel... God only knows how long the tunnel is.... but there is always a light at the other end. His name is Jesus.
Blair is getting baptized on November 5. 2017 at the 11:00 am service at McBIC. Please come and join us as we celebrate what God has done for Blair - in healing his body and every aspect of who he is - it's a journey of a lifetime... and we are so proud of Blair.
Jesus be our guide - always. 💗 may our hearts continue to grow in your hope and love 💗
As many already know, Blair Nieves was in an accident on Friday evening August 25, 2017 as is in the ICU at Hershey Medical Center. I am creating this blog to update all those who love and are praying for Blair. Your love and prayers are so appreciated!
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Saturday, October 21, 2017
Hard times - October 21, 2017
Hard times ... Blair is a trooper ... I’m exhausted and emotionally wiped out. I’m very thankful he is so up-beat and tries to make the best of everything.
So Thursday we were told the school decided that Blair couldn’t attend the homecoming dance. They had 2 weeks to tell us that (as I clearly asked over 2 weeks ago) and waited until the last minute when I reminded them that he was coming. So we had a discussion that went through numerous emails with more and more administration being added to the email chain. The administration then asked for a letter from his doctor clearing him to attend.
I was considering calling the news stations to see who'd air a story about how the district was going to deny a disabled student access to their dance... but only if they didn't change their minds.
After the schools request Samantha got on the phone and had the doctor paged repeatedly - he’s the one who told us to e him if we needed ANYTHING. So we did. Ha ha. So he wrote a letter clearing Blair to attend the dance with the understanding that I go along. I didn’t go to any of my own homecoming dances ... but now I’m going to Blair’s. (making up for lost time? ha ha)
The school also FINALLY told me that Blair’s doctor must fill out their form for home-bound instruction to start. Then we must have a big meeting to be sure that’s what Blair needs. Hmm. The teacher at the rehab was in contact with the head of special education the entire time Blair was in the rehab (so this could have been completed anytime in the last three weeks). But the school has their protocol which is more important than education. Frustrating. So at the end of the work day Friday I was chasing down Dr. Hong, again, for another form to be filled out.
Saturday morning... I took yet another form to the school so they would sell me a ticket to homecoming. Thank God. So Blair will be there! YEAH!!
Friday evening Blair went to the football game with me in tow. He was happy to see everyone!!
I only took a few pictures... so don't be offended if you are not in them! I'll take many more tonight! :) And note - he only posed with females... we'll work on that tonight! :)

So Thursday we were told the school decided that Blair couldn’t attend the homecoming dance. They had 2 weeks to tell us that (as I clearly asked over 2 weeks ago) and waited until the last minute when I reminded them that he was coming. So we had a discussion that went through numerous emails with more and more administration being added to the email chain. The administration then asked for a letter from his doctor clearing him to attend.
I was considering calling the news stations to see who'd air a story about how the district was going to deny a disabled student access to their dance... but only if they didn't change their minds.
After the schools request Samantha got on the phone and had the doctor paged repeatedly - he’s the one who told us to e him if we needed ANYTHING. So we did. Ha ha. So he wrote a letter clearing Blair to attend the dance with the understanding that I go along. I didn’t go to any of my own homecoming dances ... but now I’m going to Blair’s. (making up for lost time? ha ha)
The school also FINALLY told me that Blair’s doctor must fill out their form for home-bound instruction to start. Then we must have a big meeting to be sure that’s what Blair needs. Hmm. The teacher at the rehab was in contact with the head of special education the entire time Blair was in the rehab (so this could have been completed anytime in the last three weeks). But the school has their protocol which is more important than education. Frustrating. So at the end of the work day Friday I was chasing down Dr. Hong, again, for another form to be filled out.
Saturday morning... I took yet another form to the school so they would sell me a ticket to homecoming. Thank God. So Blair will be there! YEAH!!
Friday evening Blair went to the football game with me in tow. He was happy to see everyone!!

Sunday, October 15, 2017
New life - October 15, 2017
This has been a wild ride... and I am not the one who fell 75 feet. But, I am grateful to be able to be part of Blair's life and witness all that is happening! God is so good.
Today we went to church at the church Blair remembers us attending for his entire life. McBIC has always felt like home to me... about a year ago there were some circumstances that led us to attend another church (which has been really good too!) and Blair wasn't here to know about it. So, we went where he wanted to go and I am glad we did. It was great to see people that I haven't seen in over a year and that I thought didn't really notice that we were gone. It was really cool to have people acknowledge just how amazing it is that Blair is up and walking around - God has done amazing things!
The sermon resonated with him in a way that had an impact such that he wanted John (pastor John) to pray with him. Blair chose to surrender his life to the Lord and follow Him. The heaven's are rejoicing and so is Blair's family! Jesus is the One that has kept us going over the last 51 days... and Him alone. So much has happened, we've experienced so many emotions, so many ups, and downs, and hopes and fears... and today is as amazing to me as the day Blair opened his eyes! His life in the Lords hands... it always was... but now it's voluntary and he will follow Jesus. God saved his life when he fell, God is healing his body day by day, God is using his experience to show people how much they are loved by God, and now Blair has new life in Christ. May the Lord continue to be very near to your heart Blair... may you hear His sweet whispers every day of your life.
Thanks John for being there for us from the moment this happened ... it means a lot that you are a dependable support for our family.
After church we got lunch and went shopping for the home coming dance. That was when Alex decided he was going to the dance too. So, we had to find things for both of them.... I don't recommend shopping with teenage boys... it took almost 3 hours to get it done. Poor Blair was walking around the store the whole time. He did sit to try on shoes - but I am sure he will need to sleep for a bit to get energy back. He's been a real sport about everything - putting up with looking at price tags, comparing to other price tags, etc. He's kept his sense of humor through it all!
Thanks for being part of our lives and for praying for Blair through this time. I can't say enough about God's power and mercy ... He knows what is best for our family and has directed our steps through it all. I do thank God for you all daily.
Today we went to church at the church Blair remembers us attending for his entire life. McBIC has always felt like home to me... about a year ago there were some circumstances that led us to attend another church (which has been really good too!) and Blair wasn't here to know about it. So, we went where he wanted to go and I am glad we did. It was great to see people that I haven't seen in over a year and that I thought didn't really notice that we were gone. It was really cool to have people acknowledge just how amazing it is that Blair is up and walking around - God has done amazing things!
The sermon resonated with him in a way that had an impact such that he wanted John (pastor John) to pray with him. Blair chose to surrender his life to the Lord and follow Him. The heaven's are rejoicing and so is Blair's family! Jesus is the One that has kept us going over the last 51 days... and Him alone. So much has happened, we've experienced so many emotions, so many ups, and downs, and hopes and fears... and today is as amazing to me as the day Blair opened his eyes! His life in the Lords hands... it always was... but now it's voluntary and he will follow Jesus. God saved his life when he fell, God is healing his body day by day, God is using his experience to show people how much they are loved by God, and now Blair has new life in Christ. May the Lord continue to be very near to your heart Blair... may you hear His sweet whispers every day of your life.
After church we got lunch and went shopping for the home coming dance. That was when Alex decided he was going to the dance too. So, we had to find things for both of them.... I don't recommend shopping with teenage boys... it took almost 3 hours to get it done. Poor Blair was walking around the store the whole time. He did sit to try on shoes - but I am sure he will need to sleep for a bit to get energy back. He's been a real sport about everything - putting up with looking at price tags, comparing to other price tags, etc. He's kept his sense of humor through it all!
Thanks for being part of our lives and for praying for Blair through this time. I can't say enough about God's power and mercy ... He knows what is best for our family and has directed our steps through it all. I do thank God for you all daily.
Saturday, October 14, 2017
Home sweet home - October 14, 2017
Home Sweet Home
Well... it's a little noisier ... and more active... but it's still home :) And the happy noises are much better than silence!
Blair came home from the rehab yesterday. He had friends come over last evening who were "helping him put things away" (though I don't know how much got put away) .. they were all happy and laughing.
This morning he went 'shopping' and didn't buy anything... I am sure he is having more fun hanging out with friends than he'd have actually spending money somewhere. Tonight he went to a birthday party for a friend's sister (who is just 1 year old!) and to another friend's to have a pedicure... (I wish my friends gave me pedicure's). :)
He is able to walk quite a bit without getting too tired. He can go up and down stairs slowly. He saw a neruo-ophthalmologist on Friday and we found out that his double vision is called "Convergence Insufficiency" which is treated with exercises for the eyes and possibly prism glasses. The Neuro-Ophthalmologist said his eyes are healthy so the problem is not with his eyes - it's more with them not seeing things together - so he has an appointment with an eye doctor Monday to get glasses of some sort, and then he will see an Orthoptist on Wednesday. (Orthoptists are university-trained, allied health care practitioners who specialize in disorders of eye movements and diagnostic procedures related to disorders of the eye and visual system. Orthoptic treatment of certain conditions can relieve visual symptoms and enhance visual performance.)
He has an appointment on Tuesday in Hershey, and an appointment on Wednesday morning at Health South to get evaluated for the need for physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc. They have a day program that he can go to up to a few hours a day. He is ready to start working on rehab again... he took 2 days off - and is ready to get back on it. He really has a positive outlook!
He is looking forward to shopping for the homecoming dance tomorrow. I am hoping / praying that there are sales! :)
He is in good hands - we have someone to take him to each appointment that is scheduled so far! I so appreciate the friends that are helping, the friends parents who cooked for us, and of course my wonderful niece who is also taking him to appointments and has been there for me from the moment she learned that he fell (love you Samantha). :)
Well... it's a little noisier ... and more active... but it's still home :) And the happy noises are much better than silence!
Blair came home from the rehab yesterday. He had friends come over last evening who were "helping him put things away" (though I don't know how much got put away) .. they were all happy and laughing.
This morning he went 'shopping' and didn't buy anything... I am sure he is having more fun hanging out with friends than he'd have actually spending money somewhere. Tonight he went to a birthday party for a friend's sister (who is just 1 year old!) and to another friend's to have a pedicure... (I wish my friends gave me pedicure's). :)
He is able to walk quite a bit without getting too tired. He can go up and down stairs slowly. He saw a neruo-ophthalmologist on Friday and we found out that his double vision is called "Convergence Insufficiency" which is treated with exercises for the eyes and possibly prism glasses. The Neuro-Ophthalmologist said his eyes are healthy so the problem is not with his eyes - it's more with them not seeing things together - so he has an appointment with an eye doctor Monday to get glasses of some sort, and then he will see an Orthoptist on Wednesday. (Orthoptists are university-trained, allied health care practitioners who specialize in disorders of eye movements and diagnostic procedures related to disorders of the eye and visual system. Orthoptic treatment of certain conditions can relieve visual symptoms and enhance visual performance.)
He has an appointment on Tuesday in Hershey, and an appointment on Wednesday morning at Health South to get evaluated for the need for physical therapy, occupational therapy, etc. They have a day program that he can go to up to a few hours a day. He is ready to start working on rehab again... he took 2 days off - and is ready to get back on it. He really has a positive outlook!
He is looking forward to shopping for the homecoming dance tomorrow. I am hoping / praying that there are sales! :)
He is in good hands - we have someone to take him to each appointment that is scheduled so far! I so appreciate the friends that are helping, the friends parents who cooked for us, and of course my wonderful niece who is also taking him to appointments and has been there for me from the moment she learned that he fell (love you Samantha). :)
Friday, October 13, 2017
Thursday October 12, 2017
Blair’s feeding tube was removed today. He had the doctor remove it first thing in the morning -as soon as possible - right after he woke up. Ha. He was really happy to have that out. He’s much more comfortable now that a tube isn’t dangling fro his belly.
He’s been exercising his left leg more now that the orthopedic doctor cleared his need for a brace to support his knee. He said that his left leg was a bit sore from the exercise ... but that’s just how it is! No pain - no gain!
Blair is able to walk short distances without the use of his cane. Short distances - meaning about 15 feet (a guess from someone who doesn’t typically measure distances). He can go from our living room to the dining room - and as he gets stronger, day by day, that will increase.
He has an appointment with a neuro-opthamologist tomorrow morning to see what can help improve the double vision he’s been experiencing. Monday he has an appointment with a different ophthalmologist who will work with the neuro-ophthalmologist to get glasses to help him see clearer.
Tomorrow after the 9:40 am appointment, he will be discharged from the rehab and will be coming home. He will miss all the staff at the rehab... they’ve done so much to make his recovery pleasant and/or even fun on occasion. :) (I’m sure he will miss the push button to call the nurse/aide!). I do have to say he has been the favorite patient on the unit!
So ... tomorrow another step in Blair’s healing journey begins. Although he will be leaving some amazing staff ... he will be home where he will have his brother (& favorite Aunt) around all the time, as well as be closer to his friends.
It’s my prayer that everything goes smoothly in transition to new physical therapists, and whatever else is recommended in his evaluation next Wednesday. He has a lot of appointments coming up in the first few days of being home, and I’m sure he will want to see friends. He will still have his phone and wifi - so please check to make sure he’s home (and not out at an appointment) before coming over. You can give me a call or text as well if you’d like to know the schedule.
Again - thanks so much for your prayers! I speak for our entire family when I say that your love and support is so appreciated!! Please don’t stop praying! God has certainly heard everyone’s prayers and answered - and continues to answer every day.
He’s been exercising his left leg more now that the orthopedic doctor cleared his need for a brace to support his knee. He said that his left leg was a bit sore from the exercise ... but that’s just how it is! No pain - no gain!
Blair is able to walk short distances without the use of his cane. Short distances - meaning about 15 feet (a guess from someone who doesn’t typically measure distances). He can go from our living room to the dining room - and as he gets stronger, day by day, that will increase.
He has an appointment with a neuro-opthamologist tomorrow morning to see what can help improve the double vision he’s been experiencing. Monday he has an appointment with a different ophthalmologist who will work with the neuro-ophthalmologist to get glasses to help him see clearer.
Tomorrow after the 9:40 am appointment, he will be discharged from the rehab and will be coming home. He will miss all the staff at the rehab... they’ve done so much to make his recovery pleasant and/or even fun on occasion. :) (I’m sure he will miss the push button to call the nurse/aide!). I do have to say he has been the favorite patient on the unit!
So ... tomorrow another step in Blair’s healing journey begins. Although he will be leaving some amazing staff ... he will be home where he will have his brother (& favorite Aunt) around all the time, as well as be closer to his friends.
It’s my prayer that everything goes smoothly in transition to new physical therapists, and whatever else is recommended in his evaluation next Wednesday. He has a lot of appointments coming up in the first few days of being home, and I’m sure he will want to see friends. He will still have his phone and wifi - so please check to make sure he’s home (and not out at an appointment) before coming over. You can give me a call or text as well if you’d like to know the schedule.
Again - thanks so much for your prayers! I speak for our entire family when I say that your love and support is so appreciated!! Please don’t stop praying! God has certainly heard everyone’s prayers and answered - and continues to answer every day.
Monday, October 9, 2017
Monday - October 9, 2017
Tonight I took in KFC for Blair - he was happy to have chicken and mashed potatoes! :) He has gotten to know many new nurses and aide's - by name. They all love him! He is the youngest on the unit and they enjoy his upbeat personality.
He is excited to be coming home on Friday. I am trying to wrap up all the lose ends - get the appointments in place and know when he has to be where - etc. I am not the most organized person so trying to keep everything in a calendar.
He said today he worked his left leg out a lot. Hopefully the increased strength will allow him to walk further at a time (although he walks quite a bit now - I just want him to be as strong and steady as possible!). He is working daily in physical therapy - he said he stood for 36 minutes today!
It's so nice to see him relaxed and happy. Please continue to pray for his pain level to decrease - the doctor doesn't want to send him home with any pain medication - even for night time. I don't want him to be in pain ... I may speak with the doctor... but I also understand the doctor's position - as well as the current concerns regarding narcotics.
Thanks for your prayers... he continues to get stronger daily. Please keep praying for his healing! God is amazing!
He is excited to be coming home on Friday. I am trying to wrap up all the lose ends - get the appointments in place and know when he has to be where - etc. I am not the most organized person so trying to keep everything in a calendar.
He said today he worked his left leg out a lot. Hopefully the increased strength will allow him to walk further at a time (although he walks quite a bit now - I just want him to be as strong and steady as possible!). He is working daily in physical therapy - he said he stood for 36 minutes today!
It's so nice to see him relaxed and happy. Please continue to pray for his pain level to decrease - the doctor doesn't want to send him home with any pain medication - even for night time. I don't want him to be in pain ... I may speak with the doctor... but I also understand the doctor's position - as well as the current concerns regarding narcotics.
Thanks for your prayers... he continues to get stronger daily. Please keep praying for his healing! God is amazing!
Saturday, October 7, 2017
Saturday October 7, 2017
Today Blair was in a great mood. He was eating left-over Chinese food that his Aunt Lisa & Uncle Torrey brought him, Scott and I showed up with Taco Bell, and then Uncle Kenny and Aunt Ashley came in. As Scott and I were leaving, his cousin Aaron, fiance Kelsey and daughter Lyla showed up. His sister Samantha called and said she'd be there by 3:00 pm as well! He had no shortage of visitors today! And I am sure he was tired of trying to eat everything that was brought in to him by the end of the day!
He said it's hard for him to sleep all night because there is always someone walking by his door which wakes him up. He has always been a light sleeper - but it seems to be even more of an issue now. We are hoping that he will get better sleep once he's home and not having people walk by his door all night long!
He is going to see a neruo-ophthalmologist just before he leaves the rehab - we are hopeful that they can help him see one picture instead of two (the double vision is getting a bit old) and less blurry! Please say a prayer or two on that one! He is also going to follow up with the other doctors (orthopedic, neurology, etc.) just before completing his time at the rehab. We are expecting a lot of information in the next week... and hoping I can get it all written down! :)
Thanks for praying! Friday is coming!! :)
He said it's hard for him to sleep all night because there is always someone walking by his door which wakes him up. He has always been a light sleeper - but it seems to be even more of an issue now. We are hoping that he will get better sleep once he's home and not having people walk by his door all night long!
He is going to see a neruo-ophthalmologist just before he leaves the rehab - we are hopeful that they can help him see one picture instead of two (the double vision is getting a bit old) and less blurry! Please say a prayer or two on that one! He is also going to follow up with the other doctors (orthopedic, neurology, etc.) just before completing his time at the rehab. We are expecting a lot of information in the next week... and hoping I can get it all written down! :)
Thanks for praying! Friday is coming!! :)
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Just a little change - Wednesday October 4, 2017
Today I spoke to the case worker at the rehabilitation hospital and he told me that they are going to ask the insurance to pay for Blair to stay until Friday, October 13, 2017 in order to have the time to take the feeding tube out of his stomach and ensure it is healing well before he is not being monitored by nursing staff. He will be going to outpatient physical therapy (and occupational therapy or whatever other therapy is needed) about 3 times a week.
We need to make an appointment with a neuro-ophthalmologist to have his vision checked because he continues to have double vision and difficulty reading. I assumed the problem with his vision was due to the swelling in his brain - but I am hopeful that the neuro-ophthalmologist is able to help him see better so that his balance and physical ability can improve faster too (although he is improving rather quickly from what I can see!).
The rehab doctor will order whatever equipment he needs - the cane he uses when he walks to stay steady - and a wheelchair for distances in case he is still having fatigue when he walks a ways. They assured me he will have whatever he needs... so I am counting on them!
Thanks for your prayers - things are coming together nicely! Blair is looking forward to being home and can't wait to get back to school!
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Discharge planning! Tuesday October 3, 2017
Sorry everyone - I missed a day!
Today we were told that Blair is being discharged next Thursday - October 11, 2017. He is going to ask the rehab to keep him until the 12th because he has appointments in Hershey on the 12th so it seemed to him that it'd be just as easy to stay there and go to his appointments and then come home.
He can't wait to get out!
That being said, he will have to keep taking it easy, and he won't want to... ha ha. Actually he has been following doctors order's quite well! He will need to have rest and preferably less than 3-4 people visiting at a time. It can get confusing when you have a bad headache and too many people are talking at once. He is going to have someone with him all the time - not watching him - but keeping him company so that if he needs anything they can help him. I have a few people willing to come over and hang out with him - so I think we are good - but I will take names and phone numbers just in case I find out I have missed any time!
We are working on figuring out what we need. I am hoping the doctor will explain what services will be available in home and how many appointments he will have outside the home - soon - so I can make plans. The team meets on Wednesday - so I am hoping they can tell me some things tomorrow.
For now - Blair keeps working on walking and balance. The teacher at the rehab will contact the school to figure out the educational piece. And Samantha and I try to navigate the world of health resources .. :)
I'll update tomorrow! Please keep praying... this is an important step in Blair's journey - but he has a long way to go for his brain to completely heal. Thank you!
Today we were told that Blair is being discharged next Thursday - October 11, 2017. He is going to ask the rehab to keep him until the 12th because he has appointments in Hershey on the 12th so it seemed to him that it'd be just as easy to stay there and go to his appointments and then come home.
He can't wait to get out!
That being said, he will have to keep taking it easy, and he won't want to... ha ha. Actually he has been following doctors order's quite well! He will need to have rest and preferably less than 3-4 people visiting at a time. It can get confusing when you have a bad headache and too many people are talking at once. He is going to have someone with him all the time - not watching him - but keeping him company so that if he needs anything they can help him. I have a few people willing to come over and hang out with him - so I think we are good - but I will take names and phone numbers just in case I find out I have missed any time!
We are working on figuring out what we need. I am hoping the doctor will explain what services will be available in home and how many appointments he will have outside the home - soon - so I can make plans. The team meets on Wednesday - so I am hoping they can tell me some things tomorrow.
For now - Blair keeps working on walking and balance. The teacher at the rehab will contact the school to figure out the educational piece. And Samantha and I try to navigate the world of health resources .. :)
I'll update tomorrow! Please keep praying... this is an important step in Blair's journey - but he has a long way to go for his brain to completely heal. Thank you!
Sunday, October 1, 2017
Sunday October 1, 2017
It's hard to believe it's October already!
Today Blair was eating pizza with his sister Samantha, and brother Alex, when I arrived for our visit. He was sitting in his chair talking away... He still has to swallow a few times to get the food to actually go all the way down - but he is enjoying his food! He went through the menu for tomorrow and picked out what he wanted to eat while we were there. I was surprised at the number of options! He can enjoy it now... he won't have a restaurant of choices later... :)
He told us today that he wants to go to the 'Homecoming dance' on October 21, 2017. I am not sure how possible that is - but at this point - nothing is impossible in my world! This entire experience has changed that! So, he is going to talk with his doctor about it and see what needs to happen in order to make that possible. He may need to take a wheelchair with him - or promise to wear a brace - or whatever - but he really wants to go. So, we'll see what needs to happen - and then let Blair work on that happening!
I am hoping to connect with his doctor early this week to find out what he needs medically when he comes home. I will want to get things in place - or at least contact agencies that provide services or equipment - so that there is no delay in his getting what he needs. I am open to suggestions if anyone has had good experiences with any agencies!
Thanks everyone! Blair appreciates everyone's prayers!
Today Blair was eating pizza with his sister Samantha, and brother Alex, when I arrived for our visit. He was sitting in his chair talking away... He still has to swallow a few times to get the food to actually go all the way down - but he is enjoying his food! He went through the menu for tomorrow and picked out what he wanted to eat while we were there. I was surprised at the number of options! He can enjoy it now... he won't have a restaurant of choices later... :)
He told us today that he wants to go to the 'Homecoming dance' on October 21, 2017. I am not sure how possible that is - but at this point - nothing is impossible in my world! This entire experience has changed that! So, he is going to talk with his doctor about it and see what needs to happen in order to make that possible. He may need to take a wheelchair with him - or promise to wear a brace - or whatever - but he really wants to go. So, we'll see what needs to happen - and then let Blair work on that happening!
I am hoping to connect with his doctor early this week to find out what he needs medically when he comes home. I will want to get things in place - or at least contact agencies that provide services or equipment - so that there is no delay in his getting what he needs. I am open to suggestions if anyone has had good experiences with any agencies!
Thanks everyone! Blair appreciates everyone's prayers!
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Sunday January 21, 2018
Tomorrow Blair goes back to school for a little over half a day! He really wants to be able to go for the whole day but the doctor told him ...
Hard times ... Blair is a trooper ... I’m exhausted and emotionally wiped out. I’m very thankful he is so up-beat and tries to make the best...
On Friday August 25, 2017 Blair was in an accident where he fell 75 feet down a cliff while hiking or rock climbing in White Rock. It was...
Tomorrow Blair goes back to school for a little over half a day! He really wants to be able to go for the whole day but the doctor told him ...