Sunday, January 21, 2018

Sunday January 21, 2018

Tomorrow Blair goes back to school for a little over half a day! He really wants to be able to go for the whole day but the doctor told him to take things slowly so he doesn’t get overwhelmed.  He’s been really bored at home but also lacks motivation when he’s just siting at home.  Hopefully being in school will help him focus on schoolwork because he has a lot to do!  He still has work from the second marking period to complete to get passing grades so he can get enough credits. The school doesn’t think he will be able to get all the credits done in time to walk in June but they said it was possible to have him finish with summer school and he’d get his diploma in the mail.  He was disappointed with this thought - but he’s taking it one day at a time.

Please pray for his adjustment to school, that he’d be able to physically manage the demand of being up all day and that his brain would be able to focus.  Please also pray that the social demands are not too much for him. Blair is very social and friendly - he won’t want to let any of his friends down but he needs to focus on his recovery and education. Please pray specifically that he’d be surrounded with friends that will encourage him to do the right thing and follow the doctors instructions.  Pray that the motivation he had in the rehab would return - as he was so motivated to do whatever he needed to but he’s really just gotten sidetracked without the constant encouragement from nurses, staff, etc.  We can’t possibly re-create the rehab center here but I’m hopeful that God will put the right teachers and friends in his path at the right times to encourage him to stay on the right track which isn’t the easy path.

Thanks so much for all your prayers and encouragement for our family. We would really love it if Blair could graduate in June but we will have to wait and see!!

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Sunday January 21, 2018

Tomorrow Blair goes back to school for a little over half a day! He really wants to be able to go for the whole day but the doctor told him ...