Friday, September 1, 2017

Friday - September 1, 2017

Today Blair opened his eyes twice for the nursing staff. It's unclear if he is seeing anything specifically but he seems to know people are present.  His responses to commands continue to be intermittent.  He was able to be upright in a rehabilitation chair and he was given a bath so his hair looks better!  They are monitoring him to ensure he doesn't get an infection.  Continued prayers are appreciated!!


  1. This is a great way to communicate his progress and updates. Continuing to pray for him and your family through this difficult time!

  2. Hang in there Cathy. The son of a friend of ours went through something very similar to what Blair is going through a few years ago. Keep talking to him, touching him and reminding him how strong he is and has always been. Let him know everything that's going on. Just because he doesn't appear to hear or see, the Lord and the angels by his side hear all the prayers being said for y'all. Blair is a tough young man with lots to do in this world. Keep strong my friend.


Sunday January 21, 2018

Tomorrow Blair goes back to school for a little over half a day! He really wants to be able to go for the whole day but the doctor told him ...